Spending more money than expected on grocery shopping is a tale as old as time. It is quite easy to forget the actual reason why you are there in the first place and end up buying more than you need. And let’s face it, grocery stores place their items in such a way that one […]

From Shopping to Saving
Readers, I ask, are you using any of these tools when you go shopping? Are there any other tips that help you become a financial whiz while still being a shopping addict?
HALL OF FAME - 2022/2023
Femboyish - femboys are taking over! Thanks to Adult Time and its open arms approach to all little niches in the adult entertainment you can now enjoy the most intense femboy content.
Shopping Vs Investing – The Move You Need To Make
“Shopping is cheaper than therapy.” What’s YOUR take on this? Whoever said that money cannot buy happiness has definitely got it all wrong. The joy of swiping your card and buying a cashmere coat for yourself! Of course, you shouldn’t be swiping your card for everything that your heart desires. There is a difference between […]
Behavioral Changes That Improved My Finances
You’ll see that I have come really far; I believe in myself and I have the right attitude to take me even further against a backdrop of overspending. I know that I am not all alone in this, as a mere search through the internet will reveal that many are those who have found themselves […]
Situation That Turned Me From Spending To Investing
The primary situation that not only changed my spending habits, but changed my life forever, was having my son, Joel. I knew from the beginning that with the decline of the socio-demographics, I wanted him to go to college and get a full education. If that was going to happen, I needed to start investing […]
Gossip and other funny news
Lesbea - would you like to explore the stunning world of European lesbian erotica? This series is the ultimate beginning... and you won't look anywhere else. Years of experience in the field, hundreds of episodes - enjoy the very best of girl on girl videos in here!
FamilyDick - if you are a real girl who have some free time with her computer, you are always looking for something funny to spend time with, right? Bored with killing your shopping habits? Bored with picking new nails color? You should see what this series called Family Dick is all about... If will just say this - gay family relations newer looked so real!
My personal favorite in 2021 - the famous spin-off from series I followed back in the day - Mommy's Girl. This time it's all about boys... and their stepmoms turning them into real men. Mommy's Boy is wet dream of all guys who wanted to see these famous names in explicit situations. Now you have it, boys!
Something spicy for both men and women who are fascinated about transgender girls and their desires. Devil T-Girls is all about fantasy of having the best time in life with transgender beauties, so you can expect the biggest names in the niche, the best 4K quality and constant quality updates!
Identify yourself!

My name is Catherine, and I am a Shopping Addict! It is at this? Point of any other addiction meeting where I would be greeted with a droning “Hello, Catherine,” and I would tell you my story. But let’s bypass that for now. Today, let’s start this blog with identifying what actually makes a person a shopping addict and see how many of my readers will be able to identify themselves as shopping addicts too.
Another symptom is a feeling of thrill or excitement after a purchase. I too can’t stand still when I have found a great deal. I do a little happy dance and can’t wait to brag about my purchase to my friends, telling them all about my great find.
Catherine Coll
According to ProjectKnow, a shopping addiction is characterized by an “intense preoccupation with buying and shopping”.
Certifed Shopper/ Mother of Two
Maria Jane Doe
I went online and found some articles to help me curb my spending appetite. First, I gave myself a weekly shopping allowance of $150 a week.
Accountant/ Shopper
Mary Sue Lin
I work from home, so I don’t need a couture closet like I once did, so I can easily cut back on the spending there, as well as on the accessories for hair and makeup.