One of the habitual reasons psychologists claim that people like myself become shopping addicts is because, at some level, we have a lower self-esteem.

Dr. HindieKlien from Psychology Today labeled the particular obsessive-compulsive disorder, ‘oniomania’, also known as compulsive shopping (in case you’re wondering you don’t pronounce it like the vegetable. It’s more like ‘oh-n-i-oh-mania’.)
While the theory is not completely unfounded with me, I’m willing to investigate this theory further, and search for motivational ways that might help me change the way that I shop or change my shopping habits.
So, to the internet, I went for my online help in the search of possible answers.
Most compulsive shoppers are, you might not be surprised to realise, women, who have higher rates of depression, anxiety, and compulsive buying after a manic episode..
I found an interesting site that answered some of those nagging questions that different people on the shopaholic self-esteem pendulum might have. The Everygirl has four motivational questions the shopping girl should ask to get herself through what might be a difficult time:
- Ask yourself why you over-shop? Some people over-shop to fill an insecurity, or to avoid problems or stress, and others attempt to fill an emotional void. Still, some others can’t recognize why. Don’t be discouraged, once you have figured it out, you can focus on fixing it.
- What is your relationship with shopping? Many times, the signs are overlooked because shopping is encouraged, a sign of status, and a necessity, so like an unhealthy relationship, we stay in it too long because we fear of how we may appear without it.
- What is shopping giving you? Does it give you validation, security, or like me the thrill of the hunt? What they say is true though that thrill is short-lived, and shortly after, I’m hunting again.
- Fill the void in other ways – find other, fun and creative ways and also healthier ways to spend your time than shopping. Put outfits together with all the clothes you have bought. Time to do the crafts you’ve been buying all the supplies for and have boxes full.
- Feel your way through it – there are going to be times that you feel uncomfortable, jittery, that you need to shop. In those moments, just feel them and stay with those feelings. According to experts, be in the moment, even though it’s uncomfortable. Just live in the moment and realize that you will get through that moment.
Pondering upon these words might help us realize that, like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, we have the power within us all along..
Very interesting thoughts to ponder. I can easily admit that I shop for the thrill of the hunt, and I can’t resist a oneof-a-kind look that fills an emotional void of a one-time fat girl gone slim, and when I want to avoid an overly stressful situation, I admit, I’ve ended up at Wal-Mart because it’s the only place open at 11 p.m.
And finally, I searched for motivational thoughts that might help shoppers struggling with shopping withdrawal and found these on Shopify – yes, you read that right, nothing to do with music!

“If You are Working on Something that You Really Care About, You Don’t Have to be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.”– Steve Jobs
“The Way to Get Started is to Quit Talking and Begin Doing.”– Walt Disney
“Don’t Let Yesterday Take Up Too Much of Today.” – Will Rogers
These motivational words of wisdom from three great men are words to think about when we are feeling stressed and anxious, and feeling the need to swipe the almighty credit card. Pondering upon these words might help us realize that, like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, we have the power within us all along.